Shop Stuff
Occasionally we do small creative ventures with folk who also have deep relationships with trees.
– The Japanese Series –
This series of t-shirts is intended to represent the chosen artists’ relationships with arboriculture. There is a creative process throughout an arborist’s work and trees are naturally creative in finding the right solutions for life.
This often results in wonderfully complex green structures. Trees inspire thought and this series of T-shirts represents three friends’ artistic thoughts and explorations on a Japanese theme.
About The Japanese Series
Fos owns and runs Japan’s favourite skateboard company. Paul Poynter is an arborist who lives and works in Japan, and Hiro is a Japanese artist living in Glasgow with a fungal knowledge that runs deep.
Each artist was given a prompt: Paul an excerpt from a book about science, intuition and Gaia, Hiro an Aphex Twin track on a 10-hour loop and Fos a nice email asking his permission to use the Landscape Skateboards logo.
I am hugely grateful to all of them.
The T-shirts have been printed by Mission Print in Birmingham, who are the very best in the UK. The T-shirts themselves are as ecofriendly as you can get in this colour range and the other components of the packaging have been considered to make this as low impact as possible.
This project is for pure pleasure and any profits made will go towards planting more seeds and printing more T-shirts. Enjoy your shirt.

“The molecule’s heady ten-year adventure through the atmosphere is over. Soon, it enters a bright green solar reactor- a chloroplast within one of the leaf’s many photosynthetic cells.”
Our small team of arborists travel throughout Glasgow, Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland.
Mark Foster Tree Surgery
Arboricultural Services
TechArborA, CertArb (RFS)
Millbrae Crescent,
Glasgow G42 9UW
Copyright © Mark Foster Tree Surgery