Tree Care
Mark Foster Tree Surgery can offer you the most appropriate service for your trees.
All these services are carried out to the current British Standard BS3998(2010) Recommendations for tree work.
From our experience of working on a wide range of tree species, we will give correct advice and specifications to care for your trees.
Our approach is to treat each tree as if it were our own.

Tree Care Services
Tree pruning & Reduction
This is Mark Foster Tree Surgery’s speciality when it comes to tree care.
As well as requiring a delicate and mindful approach to the access and climbing of the tree, pruning involves finesse and careful planning.
This is a team effort with guidance from both the arborist on the ground and the climber in the tree. Your tree will still look like a tree once we have pruned it. We will not top or lop your tree.
A reduction is usually carried out on mature deciduous trees that have outgrown their space. This is a climbing operation that reduces all of the crown to new growth points along each branch.
The tree is left looking natural with flow and an aesthetically pleasing crown. the Amount to remove is specified in meters and approximate guidance for the total amount removed, at one given time, is a third of the canopy.
Shaping is the pruning of wayward branches, usually due to positive and negative phototropism, often seen in established younger trees that need a little formative pruning.
Other tree pruning operations include crown raising where lower branches are removed back to the main trunk giving clearance below.
Thinning is the removal of selective branches whilst retaining the main branch structure, allowing more light and air into the canopy.
Fruit tree pruning can restore neglected trees to a natural shape, aiding fruit production and long term health. We can also use mulch and other tree care services to look after your fruit trees.

Tree removal
Mark Foster Tree Surgery can remove trees safely by using modern equipment and techniques to guide individual sections to a predetermined area on the ground. All branches will be fed through our woodchipper and the timber is cut up and removed from site.
All stumps are cut to ground level as conditions allow and stump grinding is also available. The woodchip and timber usually finds a good home at allotments, children’s nurseries and schools.
We are happy to supply woodchip and timber for firewood.

Specialist tree care for mature, old and veteran trees
Old trees sometimes need a little help in their senior years. By approaching a care package with respect and compassion, these trees
can live on contributing to the landscape, history and our enjoyment of them. Methods of management may include tip reduction,
veteranisation, de-compaction, sensitive propping and exclusion zoning.
For trees that are within Conservation Areas and those with Tree Preservation Orders, we are happy to liaise with the relevant Local Authority for our clients. There is an administration charge for this service.

Our small team of arborists travel throughout Glasgow, Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland.
Mark Foster Tree Surgery
Arboricultural Services
TechArborA, CertArb (RFS)
Millbrae Crescent,
Glasgow G42 9UW
Copyright © Mark Foster Tree Surgery